5 Common Electrics That Can Cause Fire
Here are five common electrical appliances you need to start paying close attention to in your home to avoid electrical fires.
1. Light Fixtures
2. Portable Heaters
3. Faulty Appliances and Outlets
4. Nonstandard Chargers and Over-Charging
When you use a charger not recommended for charging your device, you do not only harm your device but put your entire room at risk of a fire. High voltage from a nonstandard charger and over-charging can make your device heat up and probably lead to an electrical fire.
5. Overloaded Circuits
How to Prevent Electrical Fires at Home
Start by consulting with a certified electrician on how to prevent electrical fires. Ask your chosen electrical contractor the following key questions to receive insight on common mistakes to avoid and proactive steps to take to prevent electrical fires at home:
What poses a threat to electrical safety in my home?
Your trusted electrician will carry out a thorough audit of your home and identify the outlets, appliances, or systems that compromise your home’s electrical safety. Then he will offer solutions for resolving the issue and advice on common hazardous devices and poor electrical practices to avoid.
Do I have safe wiring in my home?
Are there any changes I should make?
By seeking a professional opinion from your electrician about your home electrics, you go the extra mile in ensuring that your house is safe from electrical fires. Your electrician can identify wires, appliances, wiring errors, and overloaded power boards that are potential dangers, and provide valuable tips to correct them.
6 Salient Tips to Prevent Electrical Fires at Home
After consulting with a master electrician, follow these useful tips to avoid electrical fires in your home:
- Don’t run electrical cords behind curtains, under rugs, carpets, and other combustible materials.
- Replace worn-out cords and fraying plugs as soon as possible.
- Replace two-prong outlets with the safer three-pronged outlets with protective earth.
- Do not remove a plug by pulling the cord. Hold the head of the plug and safely remove it from the socket.
- Plugging too many devices or appliances into an outlet will lead to overload, overheating, and probably fire.
- Use portable heaters properly and away from easily flammable objects.
How to Prevent Electrical Fires at Home
How do you prevent electrical fires in your home?
What are 5 tips to prevent an electrical fire?
- Don’t run electrical cords behind curtains, under rugs, carpets, and other combustible materials.
- Replace worn-out cords and fraying plugs as soon as possible.
- Replace two-prong outlets with the safer three-pronged outlets with protective earth.
- Do not remove a plug by pulling the cord. Hold the head of the plug and safely remove it from the socket.
- Avoid overloading electrical outlets and use portable heaters properly and away from easily flammable objects.
Do outlet covers prevent fires?
No, outlet covers do not prevent electrical fires. They are designed to protect you from electrical injuries caused by contact with naked wires.
What device helps prevent electrical fires?
- Arc Fault Circuit Interrupter (AFCI)
- Circuit Breakers
- Fuses
- Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCIs)
- Surge Protectors
What do you do if a plug catches on fire?
If an electrical plug is on fire, switch off the power at the fuse box and pull the plug out of the socket with a fireproof glove. Never use water or compromise your safety to put out an electrical fire.
Keep Your Home Safe from Electrical Hazards
Phase 1 Electric Services offers 24/7 emergency electrical service in Noblesville, IN, and surrounding areas. Call (463) 217-3568 today!