A ceiling fan size guide is essential whether you’re replacing an existing fan or carrying out a new installation. You need to pick the perfect model and ceiling fan blade size for your room and install it properly.

A ceiling fan is a cheap method to stay cool without turning up the AC. Ceiling fans are put in homes to either provide cooling at a fraction of the cost of air conditioning or merely complement the interior design.

Whatever your reason for adding a ceiling fan to your house, it’s crucial to have your installation done correctly to enjoy the full benefits a ceiling fan provides.

If you’re changing an old fan, the installation process is simple. However, suppose you are doing a fresh installation and additional wiring is needed, or the ceiling is higher than 10 feet. In that case you may need to hire an electrician while being aware of the following criteria.

1. Ceiling Height

The ceiling fan blade size that best fits the space can be determined by measuring the distance from the floor to the ceiling’s highest point.

For the greatest cooling impact, hang fans about 8 feet above the ground. When buying a downrod for a room with high ceilings, subtract 8 feet from the height of the ceiling and add back around 1 foot to account for the motor and casing.

What size ceiling fan for small bedroom is best? Select a ceiling fan that has a compact form if your headroom is less than 9 feet.

Have you got a slanted ceiling and need a ceiling fan size guide? Keep reading to discover the right ceiling fan for your angled ceiling.

2. Ceiling Fan Mounts

Sloped Ceiling Fan Mount

Sloping mounts are ideal for ceiling fans positioned on vaulted or angled ceilings. This installation maintains the ceiling fan blades at a suitable height to improve the room’s ideal airflow. A slanted mount is sometimes used with a longer downrod to achieve the right height.

Flush Ceiling Fan Mount

The ceiling fan is held firmly to the ceiling by a flush mount. This is especially crucial for rooms with low ceilings if you’re asking what size ceiling fan for small bedroom is safe. As a result, people walking underneath the fan are protected from being struck by the fan’s blades. It is also helpful if the light fixture on the ceiling fan droops too low from underneath the fan. At least 12 inches must be left between the ceiling and the top of the fan blades for ceiling fans; 18 inches is ideal for the best airflow.

Standard Mount

In most spaces with a conventional ceiling height, standard mounts are helpful. The metal rod that descends from the ceiling bracket to the top of the fan is known as the downrod. Typically, a downrod on a conventional mount is 3 to 5 inches long. In most cases, ceiling fans are installed at least 7 feet off the ground.

Extended Mount

A ceiling fan should be placed between 8 and 9 feet above the ground to provide the best airflow. The fan can hang correctly from exceptionally lofty ceilings thanks to extended mounts. An extended mount’s downrods can range in length from 6 inches to 120 inches.

3. Use the Right Kind of Ceiling Fan Size for Room

Choose a ceiling fan blade size that fits the size of the room: 36 inches for spaces up to 100 square feet (to answer your question on what size ceiling fan for small bedroom is ideal), 42 inches for spaces up to 200 square feet, 52 inches for spaces up to 400 square feet, and either one 60-inch fan or two 52- or 56-inch fans for spaces above 400 square feet.

Regardless of what ceiling fan size guide you are sticking to, place one fan at each quarter point along the room’s long axis when installing two fans. There should always be at least 18 inches between furniture and walls.

Standard Ceiling Fans

Adding a standard ceiling fan size for room is a practical move. It is available in many different styles that can go with any decor. They typically have five blades and frequently include an integrated light feature. The lights can be altered to match your living space’s design and utility. They also come with various add-ons, including blade customization, remote control operation, and illumination kits.

Dual Motor Ceiling Fans

The center motor housing of this fan style is connected to two horizontal rods, each of which has an adjustable fan. When style and individuality are your priorities, it works wonderfully. Each of these fans may be modified to run at a different speed. Due to their capacity to move air across larger regions than a regular ceiling fan size for room, they are usually in large rooms or public spaces.

Low Profile Ceiling Fans

Some houses have less space between the ceilings and floors. A low-profile ceiling fan will work best if your house has ceilings shorter than eight feet tall. The fan is directly mounted on the mounting bracket rather than using a downrod, keeping it at the necessary seven feet above the ground. The airflow could be better with a typical ceiling fan size for room because there isn’t a space between the ceiling and the blades. However, it is still sufficient to allow you to operate your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system more effectively.

Damp or Wet Ceiling Fans

Do you intend to install a ceiling fan outdoors? You should use a moist or wet ceiling fan. The motors of damp ceiling fans are built to withstand damage from moisture and humidity. They have warp-resistant blades that are all-weather. They work best in locations with little to no direct precipitation, such as sunrooms, covered patios, and covered porches. The next level is reached by wet ceiling fans, which are created for more commercial and weatherproof settings. They are suitable for outdoor spaces near the shore or experiencing various types of moisture since they can withstand rain and snow.

Industrial or Commercial Ceiling Fans

In extremely big spaces, industrial ceiling fans are required. They are perfect for increased air delivery because they have powerful engines. Facilities like factories, gyms, and other sizable spaces, are the finest options. Occasionally, they can be turned around to lift air upward toward exhaust fans, preventing moisture on the ceilings.

4. Consult an Electrician

When replacing an existing fan, a ceiling fan size guide will get you through the basic things you need to know. But always check with an electrician to ensure the ceiling can sustain the weight and that the electrical box is designed to operate ceiling fans. A fresh ceiling fan installation would require a specialist to handle the wiring and installation.


Any area in your house can benefit from the function and style of ceiling fans. You can save your energy costs by choosing the proper ceiling fan blade size to circulate air throughout your rooms, making you feel cool in the warmer months and warm in the cold seasons.

Keep Your Home Safe from Electrical Hazards

Phase 1 Electric Services offers 24/7 emergency electrical service in Noblesville, IN, and surrounding areas. Call (463) 217-3568 today!

All electrical installations such as cables and wirings will deteriorate over time. However, most homeowners often overlook their electrical wires or electrical cable connection system. And typically, they will only call an electrician for inspection when the problem has already occurred, such as a tripped breaker or fuse has been blown. It is not new that faulty electrical wiring is a common cause of house fire, severe injuries, or, worst, fatalities. 

Having a regular inspection, electrical inspection, and testing or maintenance is one of the most essential to keep your home safe and prevent any electrical hazards. Electrical safety should be a priority in every household as nobody wants to put our loved one’s life at risk or get our property damaged due to faulty electrical wiring. 

A proper domestic electrical inspection and testing will:

When to have an Inspection For Electrical Safety?

Domestic electrical inspection and testing are essential and must be carried out every ten years or every time you add any electrical appliance to your home. 

The typical electrical home electrical problem includes:

Damage or Cut Extension Cords

If anyone touches the cut or damaged cord, it will cause electrocution, burn, or even death, especially children.

Broken or Damage Light Switch

This issue is very common to every household; it can also lead to fire and electrocution; you can temporarily turn off the circuit breaker to avoid accidents or accidentally switch on the light.

Loose Plug or Outlet

This issue can damage household appliances or cause a fire due to an unstable supply of power from the system.

Short Circuits

Some of the home appliances can cause short electrical circuits and frequently trip the breaker. If this issue is left without any preventive actions, it can lead to burst and fire hazards. ​

Dimming or Flickering Lights

This issue indicates poor electrical connection and can lead to arcing and fire hazards. In addition, the corroded or loose electrical connection can cause flickering of light and fluctuation of power supply, resulting in overheating or fire.

Dead Outlets

Dead outlets may be due to excessive heat of the circuit breaker that causes a wire or outlet to melt up and trigger a trip or cut off the power supply.

Frequent lights Burn Out

This issue indicates a loose connection in the circuit, socket, or light overuse.

Frequent Breaker Tripping

Usually, this is a sign or overloaded circuit or using too much electricity in that specific line. ​

All of these electrical issues must be addressed as soon as possible by a certified electrician to avoid severe problems it might bring.

Home Electrical Safety Inspection Checklist:

A regular electrical system safety inspection is a must. It should be a top priority whether you are buying, renting, or every household to ensure safety from unwanted electrical hazards leading to fire and injuries. It is an essential part of evaluating your home or commercial spaces. Phase 1 Electric Services can help to determine and assess all your electrical inspection and testing, and recommendations.

Keep Your Home Safe from Electrical Hazards

Phase 1 Electric Services offers 24/7 emergency electrical service in Noblesville, IN, and surrounding areas. Call (463) 217-3568 today!

Why is it important to get an electrical inspection and testing?

Electricity is something everyone utilizes every day. As time goes by, there could be some damages to the components or the whole system may not be working efficiently anymore. Periodic inspections are necessary to make sure that no one in your home will get an electric shock, that none of the wirings is damaged, that your home has complied with the state regulations, and that there is no risk of a fire happening anytime soon.

It’s important to only get certified electricians to do the inspection. You want to get an accurate diagnosis, and only professionals can do that.

When will you need to have your home undergo an electrical inspection?

Proper maintenance is essential to keep the whole system running smoothly. Consider getting a professional electrical inspection if

Your house is over 25 years old or had a renovation

We cannot deny how expensive the whole system cost cost, if more than 25. years have passed since then, there will be wear and tear. Aside from the higher risk of damaged wirings and the like, some of the technology used might already be obsolete. If you’re quite the DIY expert, you might have also done some changes to your house over the years. To ensure that it is safe, do get an electrician first to test.

You are moving to a new home

You may actually do this before you commit to buying or renting a new house. Certified electricians are very helpful in spotting any potential issue that you may not notice at all. But don’t stop at an initial inspection. Do consider getting an electrical inspection every few years so that you are a step ahead of any problem that may arise in the future.

Before and after a storm

You don’t have to get an inspection every time you get the news that a storm is going to your location. But a major storm can cause damage, and you want to be assured that your home and appliances will be safe. You want to do this before and after a storm. The latter is important especially if your house was flooded.

If you have noticed some problems like flickering lights

If you have not had an electrical inspection in a while, your system may already be compromised and will need a professional to fix it. Some of the signs to look out for include flickering lights, sparking, or your circuit breakers tripping more often than usual. All these are signs that your electrical panel may need some repairs or even an upgrade.

How often should you get a home electrical inspection?

There is no one answer to this question as it can depend on the type of property you have. Some newer homes may only require an inspection every few years or so. But those that have deteriorated due to age may require a yearly inspection. It would be better to schedule an inspection first with a certified electrician. Once they give you their assessment of your property’s electrical system, they can also give advice to you on when you should schedule your next electrical inspection.

What are the tests that must be done during an electrical inspection?

When conducting a test, professional electricians will most likely do any of the following tests:

These are just some of the things that happen during an electrical inspection. Your electrician will take a look around the house and look for red flags that may lead to any issue in the future. Of course, aside from pointing out these hazards, they will also give you options on how they can be dealt with properly. If maintained properly, your property might not even need any maintenance work done. But be sure to still get your report for documentation.

Home Electrical Safety Inspection Checklist:

The cost of getting an EICR or electrical installation condition report can depend on how big your property is.

Now that you know how important it is to have an electrical inspection, don’t hesitate to schedule one with a certified electrician.

Phase 1 Electric Services can help you maintain an efficient electrical system in your home. Don’t wait until you are experiencing electrical problems before you call us. We can give you a free quote so that you will have an idea of how much it will cost you.

Keep Your Home Safe from Electrical Hazards

Phase 1 Electric Services offers 24/7 emergency electrical service in Noblesville, IN, and surrounding areas. Call (463) 217-3568 today!

An Electrical Panel also called a breaker box, is a control panel that receives the main power and safely distributes electrical current to the other outlets throughout your home.

It is the breaker panel that ensures the safety of your home electrical systems and circuits. This panel automatically trips off and cuts down power to prevent electrical fire when an outlet or circuit becomes overloaded. It can also be turned off manually by an electrician to allow for safe electrical inspection, repairs, and renovations in your home.

What to Do If Your Home Electrical Panel Isn’t Working

Does your electrical panel trip off whenever you turn on your heater, toaster, or use any heavy appliance in your home?

Call a licensed electrician for repairs immediately. Frequent tripping of a circuit could be an indication of an underlying problem in the electrical panel. If left unchecked, it could lead to injuries, electrical fires, and damage to your property. An electrician can detect the problem and provide the best solution to safely restore electricity to your homeCall a licensed electrician for repairs immediately. Frequent tripping of a circuit could be an indication of an underlying problem in the electrical panel. If left unchecked, it could lead to injuries, electrical fires, and damage to your property. An electrician can detect the problem and provide the best solution to safely restore electricity to your home

What Sits Inside an Electrical Panel

Once you open your panel box, you will instantly see several electrical switches or circuit breakers.

Usually, one electrical panel serves the entire house, but you can also have smaller panels known as subpanels to feed specific areas with high energy consumption such as your garage, kitchen, and laundry room.

Each circuit breaker controls the power to a room in your home. There is a circuit breaker for your living room, kitchen, bedroom, basement, and bathroom. These breakers safely regulate the flow of electricity in the circuits and the electrical panel. It automatically trips off when there is a circuit overload or other electrical issue and can be manually switched back on.

In a large house, a room may have more than one circuit breaker on the electrical panel.

Every circuit breaker on the panel should be labeled with their corresponding rooms to make it easier to trace electrical faults, troubleshoot issues, and conveniently conduct routine maintenance. You can use stickers or hand-written labels to mark each circuit breaker.

Some old houses are yet to upgrade their electrical system. These houses use outdated electrical panels with fuses instead of the modern circuit breaker panel.

To see the other components of your electrical panel that are beyond the breaker switches, you will have to remove the dead front cover. For safety and to prevent electrocution, always turn off the main circuit breaker before removing the dead front cover.Removing this cover gives you access to all the components of the panel if you are looking to install or replace a circuit breaker.

Some of the main components inside your electrical panel are:

Main Circuit Breaker

The main circuit breaker is a large switch sitting at the top of the panel or near the bottom in some panel designs. This switch controls the power flowing to the breakers controlling individual circuits in the panel.

The main circuit breaker also displays the total amperage capacity of the electrical panel. A label containing the panel’s amp capacity such as 100, 150, or 200, can be found next to the main circuit breaker.

Hot Bus Bars

Electricity from your electric meter is fed into the electrical panel through the hot bus bars. Circuit breakers are firmly fixed into the bus bars to provide power to the circuits.

Depending on the chosen connection to the hot bus bar, circuit breakers are of two types:

A: Single-pole circuit breakers: these are connected to one hot bus bar and deliver 120 volts of electric current.

B: Double-pole circuit breakers: these snap into two hot bus bars and provide 240 volts.

Electricity leaves the electrical panel through the hot wires from the circuit breakers. One wire, usually black transports current from a single-pole breaker to your room. While two hot wires, mostly black and red, are connected to the double-pole breakers.

Main Bonding Jumper

The main bonding jumper includes a bare copper wire that connects the neutral or ground bus and the electrical panel to the ground rod. This connection with the earth under your house safely directs stray electricity from lightning surges into the ground.

Circuit Breakers

Circuit breakers are designed to prevent electrical fires and property damage in your home. If a circuit draws current above its amperage capacity, the circuit breaker would trip off and cut power to that circuit. This prevents the wiring from heating up and igniting.

Some circuit breakers are designed to provide specific electrical safety such as:

I. Ground-fault circuit-interrupter (GFCI) breakers: These help to prevent electrocution by protecting the entire circuit from ground faults.
II. Arc-fault circuit-interrupter (AFCI) breakers: These prevent house fires by protecting circuits from arc faults.

However, to protect your home from both shock and fire hazards, consider using a Dual-function breaker that combines GFCI and AFCI protection.

Do you have an electrical project or emergency? We are available 24/7 at Phase 1 Electric Services. Contact Us Now for licensed and reliable electrical services.


How do I read my electrical panel?
An electrical panel has circuit breakers with corresponding labels. These labels indicate the circuits that are connected to the breakers. By examining the labels, you will know which circuit breaker controls the power supply to a particular area or room within your home.
The numbers on the breaker box represent the specified amperage or amount of current that the electrical panel and each circuit breaker can handle.
If a circuit breaker trips off, open your electrical panel and try to reset it by turning the switch off and on. Do it only once. Don’t continue to reset a circuit breaker because a tripped breaker is an indication of a possible electrical fault. If your circuit breaker keeps going off, call your trusted electrician to conduct an electrical inspection of your home to avoid damaging your property or causing an electrical fire.

The best way to determine if your electrical panel is faulty is to hire an electrician to carry out a thorough inspection of the panel. 

However, you can detect some common signs that indicate an existing fault with your electrical panel. Your panel is bad when there is a burning smell from the panel box, the box is too hot to touch, trips frequently, and has some physical damage.

Keep Your Home Safe from Electrical Hazards

Phase 1 Electric Services offers 24/7 emergency electrical service in Noblesville, IN, and surrounding areas. Call (463) 217-3568 today!

Many house fires are caused by bad electrical wiring.

This is why when it comes to hiring an electrician for a job in your home you should always go for the best without thinking too much about the cost.

But how do you know who is qualified? What are the red flags to look out for, and how do you go about interviewing a prospective electrical contractor?

Below are a few basic questions to help you get started and find the right person or company for the job.

1. Are you licensed?

This is the first question you should ask your electrician. Request to see his license when you meet him in person. 

Electricians are certified for various types of jobs. Ensure that your chosen electrician has the specific skill that is required for your project. 

At Phase 1 Electric, we have a dedicated team of licensed electricians who are capable of handling installation projects in both residential and commercial buildings.

2. Are you insured?

If you hire an insured electrician, he covers the cost for any injury or damage to property when an accident occurs during the project.

An insured electrician should have at least $500,000 in liability and compensation insurance. This protects you from incurring additional expenses caused by an electrician’s negligence.

3. What is your area of specialty?

Asking this particular question is critical to hiring the right electrical contractor for your job.

Some electricians are skilled in repairs and maintenance, while others are experts in installations and replacements. Electrical contractors also specialize in interior or exterior services.

So knowing the area an electrician specializes in will help you to determine the right person for your project.

4. Do you have references?

Ask your prospective electrician for valid references so you can examine his track record. Great testimonials from past clients can help you decide if he is a good choice for your project. Quality references can serve as valid proof of the contractor’s ability to deliver the best work as promised.

5. Will you provide a written estimate of the entire project?

This is another important question to ask your electrical contractor. To avoid encountering unplanned costs during your project, ensure to get an estimate that includes any foreseeable incidental costs from your electrician.

6. What are your service fees?

Ask the electrical contractor if there are any hidden charges such as service fees, travel costs, etc. This will help you to prepare your budget appropriately and avoid unexpected costs that can hinder the progress of your project.

7. Do you have any credentials?

Your ideal electrician should have the relevant certifications in recent electrical methods and practices such as installation, repairs, and maintenance.

8. Do you have any specialized training for this type of work?

Some projects require specialized knowledge and expertise. Ask the electrician if he has the specific training that is needed for the job. Only a specialist electrician is capable of handling complex electrical projects such as controlling solar energy charge, ultrasonic radar, industrial process automation, and commercial power saver.

9. Who will perform the work?

Don’t assume that the electrical contractor you are talking with will be the one to do the work.

Some contractors outsource licensed electricians to handle a project, while others perform the job themselves. If you feel your job requires a master electrician, this is your chance to make that clear to the contractor.

10. What warranties do you provide for your work?

A warranty can ensure that you don’t pay additional costs if there is a problem or malfunction after the job is finished for a specified period of time. This is why it is important to always ask your electrician if his work offers a warranty.

11. Do I need a permit?

Depending on your location, you may need to acquire a permit for your electrical project. Most electrical projects in the city require a permit. It is the responsibility of your electrician to obtain a permit for your project. Ensure that your written estimate contains the scope and nature of the job so that the appropriate permit can be obtained by your electrician.

What Additional Qualities Should Your Electrical Contractor Possess?

Your chosen electrician should be reliable and trustworthy.

You will be asking many questions throughout the project and even after it is completed. So make sure your electrician is patient and willing to provide you with the correct answers.

A professional electrician will ensure that he communicates with you along at every stage of the project. You will receive the level of cooperation that makes you happy and guarantees the success of your project.

If you are interested in hiring a professional electrician for your home or business, contact Phase 1 Electric Services and request our top-quality and affordable services today. We will provide honest and accurate answers to all your questions.

Keep Your Home Safe from Electrical Hazards

Phase 1 Electric Services offers 24/7 emergency electrical service in Noblesville, IN, and surrounding areas. Call (463) 217-3568 today!

Worn or frayed cables are one of the most common causes of electrical fires in homes.
You can reduce the risk of an electrical fire in your home by hiring a certified electrician to inspect your electrical cables and outlets for damage, overload, and electrical code compliance.
Another way you can avoid electrical fires is by making sure that your electrical cords and appliances are nowhere near sources of water and heat. Also, ensure you use compliant outlets and electrical systems with the right specification for your home.

5 Common Electrics That Can Cause Fire

Here are five common electrical appliances you need to start paying close attention to in your home to avoid electrical fires.

1. Light Fixtures

To prevent electrical fire, only use light bulbs with the appropriate wattage that is not too high for the light fixture. Make sure you are compliant with the recommended bulb wattage and always ensure that your light bulbs and lamps are never covered by materials that could easily heat up and catch fire.

2. Portable Heaters

Avoid placing portable heaters close to combustible objects that can ignite and cause a fire. Coil space heaters should be used with care as the coils can become too hot if left unattended and ignite nearby flammable materials. A radiator-type portable heater is a safer option because heat is diffused over the entire surface of the heater, making it less likely to overheat and ignite.

3. Faulty Appliances and Outlets

Old appliances and faulty outlets pose a significant risk to your home electrics. Old kettles, pressing iron, and water heaters with worn-out cords are the cause of many electrical fires in homes. These frayed cables and bad outlets generate heat that can ignite nearby combustible materials and start a fire.

4. Nonstandard Chargers and Over-Charging

When you use a charger not recommended for charging your device, you do not only harm your device but put your entire room at risk of a fire. High voltage from a nonstandard charger and over-charging can make your device heat up and probably lead to an electrical fire.

5. Overloaded Circuits

Avoid plugging many appliances into one power board or outlet as this can cause a short circuit and an electrical fire. Using too many appliances on a single power point increases the amperage above the recommended level and leads to damage.

How to Prevent Electrical Fires at Home

Start by consulting with a certified electrician on how to prevent electrical fires. Ask your chosen electrical contractor the following key questions to receive insight on common mistakes to avoid and proactive steps to take to prevent electrical fires at home:

What poses a threat to electrical safety in my home?

Your trusted electrician will carry out a thorough audit of your home and identify the outlets, appliances, or systems that compromise your home’s electrical safety. Then he will offer solutions for resolving the issue and advice on common hazardous devices and poor electrical practices to avoid.

Do I have safe wiring in my home?

This is a critical question to ask your electrician as many home fires are caused by faulty electrical wiring. By asking about the safety of the wiring in your home, your electrician will examine your home and recommend solutions to any wiring issues to prevent an electrical fire.

Are there any changes I should make?

By seeking a professional opinion from your electrician about your home electrics, you go the extra mile in ensuring that your house is safe from electrical fires. Your electrician can identify wires, appliances, wiring errors, and overloaded power boards that are potential dangers, and provide valuable tips to correct them.

6 Salient Tips to Prevent Electrical Fires at Home

After consulting with a master electrician, follow these useful tips to avoid electrical fires in your home:

  1. Don’t run electrical cords behind curtains, under rugs, carpets, and other combustible materials.
  2. Replace worn-out cords and fraying plugs as soon as possible.
  3. Replace two-prong outlets with the safer three-pronged outlets with protective earth.
  4. Do not remove a plug by pulling the cord. Hold the head of the plug and safely remove it from the socket.
  5. Plugging too many devices or appliances into an outlet will lead to overload, overheating, and probably fire.
  6. Use portable heaters properly and away from easily flammable objects.

How to Prevent Electrical Fires at Home

How do you prevent electrical fires in your home?
You can avoid electrical fires at home by hiring a professional electrician to conduct an audit of the entire electrical systems in your home. Another way to prevent electrical fires is to carry out a routine inspection of your electrical cables and outlets.
  1. Don’t run electrical cords behind curtains, under rugs, carpets, and other combustible materials.
  2. Replace worn-out cords and fraying plugs as soon as possible.
  3. Replace two-prong outlets with the safer three-pronged outlets with protective earth.
  4. Do not remove a plug by pulling the cord. Hold the head of the plug and safely remove it from the socket.
  5. Avoid overloading electrical outlets and use portable heaters properly and away from easily flammable objects.

No, outlet covers do not prevent electrical fires. They are designed to protect you from electrical injuries caused by contact with naked wires.

  1. Arc Fault Circuit Interrupter (AFCI)
  2. Circuit Breakers
  3. Fuses
  4. Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCIs)
  5. Surge Protectors

If an electrical plug is on fire, switch off the power at the fuse box and pull the plug out of the socket with a fireproof glove. Never use water or compromise your safety to put out an electrical fire.

Keep Your Home Safe from Electrical Hazards

Phase 1 Electric Services offers 24/7 emergency electrical service in Noblesville, IN, and surrounding areas. Call (463) 217-3568 today!

How do you explain an electrical issue properly to get the help that you need?

Using the right electrical terms will ensure clear communication with your trusted electrician and make troubleshooting issues a lot easier.

Here are some basic electrical terms to help you understand your home electric systems better.


Voltage is the force of an electrical current between two points on a circuit that powers electrical systems within your home.


The voltage in your circuits will differ depending on the type of outlet. Outlets with one wire transmit 120 volts of electricity. While those with two wires, provide a higher current of 220 volts. The two-wire outlets are used to power the kitchen and other home appliances that require high energy output.


Wattage measures the electrical energy you use per second. The more electricity you consume at home, the higher your energy bill for the month.


One way to minimize energy consumption is to use LED lights that are energy-efficient. Another way is by turning off your lights when you are not using them. You can also use smart devices to control your HVAC system and reduce energy use. With a smart thermostat, your HVAC system can efficiently heat and cool to the right temperatures.

Circuit Breaker​

A circuit breaker is an electrical panel with a switch designed to protect electrical circuits in your home from damage. The circuit breaker switches off when there is a short circuit, power surge, or overcurrent to keep your home and appliances safe. This helps to prevent fire outbreaks from electrical problems.

Ground Wire

A ground wire is a safety wire that extends into the ground below your home. This provides a conducting path and protects against electric shock. Always have an electrician check to make sure your home has ground wires installed, especially when you are moving into an old house.

GFCI Certified Outlets

GFCI stands for Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter. GFCI outlets have a safety feature that shuts off the power after detecting a ground fault. This helps to protect against electrical shock. GFCI outlets serve as a mini circuit breaker that prevents surges without triggering a full reset of the main circuit breaker. These outlets are perfect for rooms that are exposed to water such as kitchens, utility rooms, and bathrooms.

Alternating Current (AC)

Alternating Current (AC) is an electric current that changes its direction several times a second at regular intervals.


Ammeter is an instrument used for measuring the flow of electrical current in amperes. The name is derived from amperes which is the unit for electric current. The ammeter is usually connected in series with the circuit to measure current.


A capacitor is a device that is used to store an electric charge. It consists of one or more pairs of conductors separated by an insulator, and it is used for preventing voltage spikes.


A circuit is a complete and closed path around which electrical current flows. Circuits are either parallel or series, or a combination of the two. Electric circuits can also be classified according to the flow of current. A direct-current circuit carries current that flows only in one direction. While an alternating-current circuit carries a current that reverses many times each second and is used in most households.


A conductor is a material that allows the free flow of electric current. Aluminum and copper wire are the most commonly used conductors.

Do You Need to Know Every Electrical Term?

It’s not important to learn every electrical term except if you are planning to become your own electrician. It would most likely be a waste of your time if you do. Getting acquainted with the frequently used basic terms is enough to have a clear conversation with your electrician and find solutions for any electrical problem you may have.

If you are looking for a professional electrician for your home, contact Phase 1 Electric Services for high-quality and affordable services. Our licensed electricians are available 24/7 for all your electrical emergencies.

What are the basic electrical terms?

Basic electrical terms are the technical words that are frequently used when discussing electrical systems. These terms help you better understand your electrician when talking through an electrical issue or installing a new device.

There are three basic electrical parameters: volt, ampere, and ohm.

  1. Volt: Volt is the force of an electrical current moving around an electrical system.
  2. Ampere: This measures the flow rate of the electric current.
  3. Ohm: Ohm is the unit of resistance in a conductor. The amount of resistance in a conductor is determined by its size, material, and temperature.

Avoid touching the service wires and the neutral bus bar where all white wires connect.

The cost of changing a fuse panel to a circuit breaker ranges from $1,000 to $2,000 depending on the brand and quality of the product.

Keep Your Home Safe from Electrical Hazards

Phase 1 Electric Services offers 24/7 emergency electrical service in Noblesville, IN, and surrounding areas. Call (463) 217-3568 today!

The majority of the items you use on a daily basis are powered by electricity. The electrical panel in your home powers your lighting, televisions, refrigerators, cell phones, and more, making it an important aspect of your home.

Circuits that transfer energy throughout your home to outlets and other electrical equipment are contained within this panel.

How much electricity your home can handle is determined by the number and size of circuits. If your home’s electrical panel cannot keep up with the needs of your electronics, consider replacing a circuit breaker panel.

Furthermore, if your panel is outdated or not functioning properly, your home may be at risk of fire, and the entire system may fail. When finding ways to increase the safety and comfort of your house, one of the first things you should think about is keeping your electrical panel updated and maintained.

Signs You Need to Upgrade Your Electrical Panel

One thing is for sure; you cannot avoid upgrading the electrical panel when the time comes. You will have to invest money in order to obtain one that suits your requirements. If you are still not sure whether you need to upgrade, here are five signs that it’s time to do so.

1. Damaged Breakers

If your home circuit breaker panels are not properly resetting, staying on, not tripping when overloaded, or are physically broken, it may be time to replace them or improve your electrical panel. Damaged breakers can cause a fire by inducing a short circuit or overheating.

2. Overloaded Circuits

The capacity of each circuit in the electrical panel is restricted by the amount of wiring in the wall, the circuit breaker’s rating, and the number of outlets on that circuit. If your breakers are constantly tripping or you do not have enough outlets for all of your devices, a service panel upgrade, as well as additional circuits to spread the load more evenly, maybe in order.

3. Flickering Lights

A power outage can cause flickering lights. The electricity to your light bulbs will flicker, i.e., keep switching on and off for a few milliseconds in this instance.

However, if this happens frequently, even in ideal weather, it is a sign of a faulty electrical system. It is possible that the entire power panel (or at least the breaker) is to blame. This is actually one of the earliest signs of more serious electrical problems.

If the lights flicker almost every time you turn them on, the electric panel needs to be replaced.

4. Smells Like Something Is Burning

You should be concerned if you notice a charred or burning smell coming from your electrical panel. If your circuit breaker or panel fails, you risk a house fire that destroys both your home and your neighbors’ homes.

The burning odor is caused by plastic or wood. This smell is frequently the result of the electrical wires’ plastic jackets melting or the wood and insulation in your walls scorching. If you experience any of these, it is time to replace your electrical panel.

5. Outdated Design

Many older homes still have inefficient electrical wiring systems. These systems did not have to power the various devices and appliances that homeowners have today back in the day. As a result, aging wiring is unable to power all of these devices adequately. These outdated systems might not only cause your appliances to break down, but they also put your home at risk of electrical fires.

If your home’s wiring hasn’t been inspected or replaced since it was built, you should hire a professional electrician. A skilled specialist can inspect your electrical system to see whether it needs to be upgraded.

How Often Should a Breaker Box Be Replaced?

According to some experts, modern circuit breakers last between 15 and 20 years. The differing conditions around these electrical safety devices are the cause of this discrepancy in longevity. A home’s electrical panel should live longer if it isn’t subjected to a lot of electrical disturbances.


If you’re having issues with your electrical panel, you might be thinking about whether you need to upgrade or replace it or if a simple repair will suffice. If any of the circuit breakers are not malfunctioning and you don’t experience any issues such as a warm panel or flickering lights, in that case, you may not need an electrician to repair that circuit breaker. However, if the panel has sustained damage, you will most likely need to upgrade or replace it. If in doubt, always contact your electrician.

Keep Your Home Safe from Electrical Hazards

Phase 1 Electric Services offers 24/7 emergency electrical service in Noblesville, IN, and surrounding areas. Call (463) 217-3568 today!

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic situation all over the world, more and more employees have shifted to working from home until the situation gets better. That being said, there is now a need to upgrade electrical systems and update electrical wiring in order to ensure electrical safety in the home. With more people using equipment like computers and such in the home the whole day, electrical reformation needs to be applied to avoid any hazards or risks.
Some tips that should be followed include: using lights with the proper wattage, not overloading the electrical outlets, and inspecting wirings and cords for any damages. To be safe you may need upgrades in your home office for safety and work efficiency.

“Electrical safety in the home and efficiency can be ensured through electrical reformation.”

You don’t want to get up one day and find that your computers are not functioning properly, or the WIFI is too slow, or you’ve overheated the whole system. In order to be more efficient, you can apply some upgrades to your home office. There are many types of reformations that can be done to your home. Call Phase 1 Electric Services and we will have one of our licensed electricians visit your property to make the upgrades that will help your home become more work-conducive.

Types of Electrical Reformation to do in Your Home


You are probably one of those individuals who would put upgrading your lighting as last on your list of electrical reformations. It may seem trivial, but lighting can actually have a lot of effects on how efficient you can be. While we always treat our homes as a haven or reprieve from our workplace, over the past year many employees have had to adjust and consider their houses as their new work environment, which may not be conducive to working. For optimal performance, both natural and artificial lighting must work in tandem. Aside from making the most of natural light, consider getting both warm and cool lights for your work area. This will ensure that your eyes will not be strained from a whole day’s work, but you will also feel alert and not drowsy, making you more effective.

Additional Outlets

More gadgets used for your home office will require more electrical outlets. While others make do with buying extension cords, it might make your house and home office messier. And we know that a messy area can actually negatively impact your efficiency. Instead of relying on extension cords, call a professional electrician to attach additional outlets to your home. It’s better to entrust this to a professional to make sure that it is done properly.

Surge Protection

As the year draws to an end, there’s also the occurrence of bad weather like thunderstorms and the like. With that comes sudden electrical surges which can damage your electrical equipment, including work computers. You can get a professional electrician to install whole house surge protection to keep all your electrical equipment safe in case an electrical storm happens.

Hard-wired internet connection

Most employees who work from home rely on their wireless internet to get them connected and ready to do their work. While this is acceptable for some, it must be noted that a WIFI connection is not very stable. When the connection becomes poor, you’ll have a hard time joining that online meeting. It’s better to have a hard-wired internet connection instead. This would avoid mishaps like your computer being hacked, and even if a lot of people are connected to the Internet, it would not make the connection unstable at all.

Ready to have your whole home office upgraded?

Phase 1 Electric provides a myriad of services in Noblesville as well as the Greater Indianapolis Area. Call us if you need

With almost 20 years of experience in the industry, Phase 1 is the place to call for a safe electrical reformation for your home. We will make sure that every installation is done with expertise and care. We are passionate about this industry and we want to ensure that each property is safe and up to code.
For homeowners who are looking to upgrade their work areas, we can help with installations of new lighting, additional outlets, and more. We only employ licensed electricians in our team. We want to make sure that all our clients are satisfied with our work. Each member of the team has the expertise and experience to address any concerns or issues you may have regarding the electrical system on your property.

Keep Your Home Safe from Electrical Hazards

Phase 1 Electric Services offers 24/7 emergency electrical service in Noblesville, IN, and surrounding areas. Call (463) 217-3568 today!

You may have seen the little gray metal box or electrical panel before. This can be found in your basement, garage, utility room, or laundry room. But do you know what it is, and why it is important in your home?

Your electrical panel acts as the “brain” of your home’s electrical system that houses and powers the breakers and circuits, ensuring a safe, secure, and efficient operation.

Why Are Electrical Panels Important?

The electricity from the circuits is distributed safely to the outlets throughout your home via your electric panel, which acts as the receiver for the incoming electrical load.

When a circuit or outlet is overloaded, it “trips” to the off position and turns everything off to prevent fire and damage to your property.

Furthermore, electrical panels provide homeowners with a secure mechanism to shut off the energy when necessary to perform renovations, electrical maintenance, or repairs. You greatly reduce your risk of electrocution by doing this.

What's Inside Your Electrical Panel

If you’re planning to upgrade your electrical panel or undertake a home circuit breaker troubleshooting, you will need a basic knowledge of how your electrical panel looks and functions.

You’ll find a number of switches when you open your service panel. Your home’s kitchen, living room, utility room, bedroom, bathroom, and basement are just a few examples of the rooms that each switch controls. There may be multiple breakers in a room that controls the power to the space in larger or newer homes.

It is more convenient to mark each switch with the area of the house it controls to save time and avoid the stress of having to trace faulty wires and connections. Switches are connected to the circuits and safely control the flow of electricity throughout the panel.

1. Panel Door

The panel door is the first item you’ll see on your electrical panel. This is made to be simple for a homeowner to reach to fix a tripped circuit breaker and to safely contain all the switches for your circuit breakers. The dead front cover, which electricians will utilize to access every component in the panel, should not be mistaken for the panel door. As a safety measure, these covers are designed to be challenging to open.

2. Circuit Breaker

Every electrical circuit has a safety component called a circuit breaker. Circuit breakers are made to fail safely. Your breaker box will immediately turn off power to a certain circuit if the circuit ever demands more electricity than it can support. This happens to prevent fire and damage to your electrical units and appliances.

3. Single-Pole and Double-Pole Breakers

You’ll find single-pole breakers and double-pole breakers among the types of breakers in your home. Single-pole breakers, which offer 120 volts and ratings of 15 to 20 amps, serve the majority of the circuit breakers in your home. Large appliances like your dryer, stove and air conditioner will each have a double-pole breaker. Double-pole breakers have ratings ranging from 15 to 50 amps and supply 240 volts.

4. Fuses

Rather than circuit breakers, older homes might have fuses. A fuse is a safety device that, like a circuit breaker, keeps circuits from overloading or catching fire. However, a blown fuse cannot be repaired; if one blows in your home, a new fuse of the identical type must be used in its place.

5. Expansion Slots

You’ll utilize an open expansion slot if you’re adding a new room to your home or wiring power somewhere it isn’t already. You can use these to add more electrical currents if you are a licensed electrician.

6. Main Breaker

The main breaker switch, also known as the Service Disconnect Switch, looks like a big circuit breaker. It is positioned at the top or bottom of your electrical panel, and it is the point where electricity enters the panel from the utility company. You can manually flip off the switch if you need to turn off the power to your entire house in an emergency.

What Should You Do If Something Isn't Working?

When you use your hairdryer or toaster, you could trip a circuit, which could be a sign that there is a problem with the breaker box.

It is preferable for you to call an electrician in this circumstance. Personal injuries, electrical fires, and other property damages could result from unmanaged conditions. An expert electrician will assess the situation and decide the best course of action to restore your electricity safely and dependably.

Rewire Old Electrical Systems

A modern home consumes a substantial quantity of energy. You’re likely to face frequent circuit trips if your home’s electrical wiring is unable to keep up with your needs. The best candidates for an electrical wiring overhaul are older homes with a restricted number of outlets or voltage capabilities.

Reliable Residential And Commercial Electrician In Noblesville, IN

The whole Noblesville, Indiana, and surrounding area is serviced by Phase 1 Electric Services for both residential and commercial clients. When you contact us for assistance, you can count on our expert electricians equipped with the knowledge and specialized tools required to locate the root of the problem and carry out any necessary electrical or wire repairs. For the best resolution to your electrical-related issues, contact us today.

Keep Your Home Safe from Electrical Hazards

Phase 1 Electric Services offers 24/7 emergency electrical service in Noblesville, IN, and surrounding areas. Call (463) 217-3568 today!